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Support for Individuals

I support individuals who feel overwhelmed, conflicted or entangled, to have more ease, clarity, and resilience with their families and workplace.


Book a no-cost introduction call to discuss your needs and interests.


Systemic & Family Constellations

It’s common in life to feel stuck in patterns, behaviors, and experiences that don’t serve us, often despite years of work and effort to have it be otherwise. Systemic & Family Constellations explore the possibility that some of our struggles today, in life or at work, may stem from family or ancestral patterns started long ago. The intention is to look with curiosity and non-judgement at the family system to clear the way for new possibilities.


Systemic Life Coaching

Coaching is an excellent option for someone who is looking to create movement and progress in life through exploring current situations and defining action steps. Systemic Life Coaching differs from transactional coaching, in that system conditions are always acknowledged, not bypassed. Coaching emphasizes the use of powerful questions to help clients uncover their own wisdom about how to meet barriers, conflicts, and limiting beliefs with new understanding.


Leaderful Executive Diversity & Belonging Coaching

Executives, movement leaders, and team members looking for a safe forum to create momentum, experience accountability, and explore hang-ups and opportunities on their path will benefit from Leaderful Executive Coaching. The world needs conscious leaders and partners willing to take up the urgent work to shift oppressive and limiting beliefs, be they from social construct, family lineage, or trauma. Collectively, these interventions must be sustained it for as long as necessary to create systems of inclusion, belonging, and liberation. Individually, we each do what we can, when we can.


Soul Purpose & Priority Alignment Sessions

Many people share a sense that the structures we’ve had are inadequate for what we need or where we’re going. There is a great yearning to identify one’s soul purpose, and align the work of daily living with the artistry and joy that arise from living in congruence. Soul Purpose & Priority Alignment Sessions provide a container to explore intention, attraction, and priority action. When desired, these sessions also teach the client basic system sensing techniques that can be used throughout life for discernment and decision making.


Integration Sessions

Sometimes after Systemic & Family Constellations, clients want support to reflect on insights gleaned from their session. After allowing at least two weeks for the Constellation to settle in the system without analysis, Integration Sessions provide an opportunity for clients to explore and understand from additional parts of themselves. These sessions are approached with a blend of systemic principles and a coach approach, so the client can pursue what they’re after from the conversation.

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